Tuesday, March 8, 2011


For what she is and what she does
For what she wants and what she gets
For the life that she lives for them
For the dream she holds for them
For the times she stood by them
For them to simply say….Happy Women’s day!!
Thank her on a day and think you are done??
For she needs no returns
For sympathy is not what she seeks
For all you know, she knows her art well
Being her way is all she wants
Doing her thing is all she needs
She needs no day to prove
And if at all u want to do…
Let every way be her way &
Let every day be her day.

Monday, February 21, 2011

The Dubious Us !

It so happens many a times that compliments leave us wondering…was it a geniune one?
Positivity leaves us pondering if it’s not over optimism!                      
Clarity of statement is what we all seek, yet we end up being sarcastic.                      
I wonder if sarcasm has become a parameter of measuring intelligence these days. While most of us would agree that it’s not a nice way to put across ones thoughts, still we choose it.
I often contemplate where this sarcasm flows from...Is it the result of an idle mind or a frustrated one. Does this boil down to the desire of being politically correct all the time and stay away from the firing range? It seems that we are leading a defensive life where our motto is to steer clear of the situations and not facing them.     
To put across a thought in a perfect way today is a bigger challenge then getting that thought in the first place. The struggle is not the content but the delivery….! To find people who say what they mean is a rarity and those who take others on face value are called Idiots!!
Following the footsteps of our idols is a thing of past, being our self is an ordeal today.  Wonder why we choose not to be ourselves…? I guess it’s the desire to be someone else which acts very strongly upon us. Does it really bother us if we are our selves or not…may be yes...may be no...Whatever it is we have learned to be like this.
We all want to stand out amongst the crowd, get noticed and the only thing that can get us there is our Originality which we eventually kill in the quest to be someone else…someone we consider to be more desirable!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I am to life and life to me...

It’s so simple to be me,
And I am exactly how I am supposed to be..
I do what I should be doing and I say what I should be saying..
Ambiguous as it may sound
But I am the one who decides how I should be living.
Lighter than my whisper and bigger than my trouble
Softer than my soul and harder than my vigor…
Thoughts are my friends as they never leave me alone
Worries are my guide as they tell me I may go wrong
Lesser than ecstasy shouldn’t start my day
Lower than Passion shouldn’t lead my way
Hell I may be or heaven I may rest…
Life is to which I am gonna give my best!!